Meaning of 'Packaging'
In this age of competition, good and appropriate packaging occupies much significance. The policies pertaining to the packaging are a part of the product planning and product development
Some of the main definitions of 'packaging' are being given hereunder:
In the opinion of Prof. Rustom S. Davar, Packaging is that art and/or science which is related to the development and use of materials, methods and equipment, for the packing of the goods in some containers, so that the product, while passing through various stages of distribution, could remain fully safe.
William Stanton has opined that the meaning of packaging is the total group of activities under the product planning which are related to the chalking out of a design of the outer cover of a product and the concerned production.
In the opinion of Masson and Ruth, The use of the containers and the wrapping materials, is 'packaging', which also includes the labeling and decoration so that the product might remain safe, its sale too might be helpful, and it might have facility for the consumer to put that product to use.
Functions of Packaging
(1) Safety of the Products. The main function of packaging is to protect the things from dust, water, moisture, insects, etc. Good packing saves the products against perishing, loss and other damages.
(2) Facility in Marketing Activities. Due to the packing, the movement of the products, shifting, preserving, opening, collecting and storage, become economical and easier for both the middlemen as well as the consumers.
(3) Advertisement. One of the functions of packing is advertisement too. Till there exists any product packet, it keeps us aware of the same.
(4) Facility in Collecting. It is easier to store the packaged goods. Due to packing, the products remain safe in the godowns.
(5) Information to the Customers. While making the product attractive, the packing could also make the product useful and informative. It can extend necessary instructions and information more effectively to the customer regarding the use of the product.
Characteristics of a Good Package
According to Ruston S. Dat,ar, in a good packing, especially in case of the consumer commodities, the following essentials must exist there :
(1) Could attract one's attention.
(2) Could make the prompt recognition possible.
(3) Could create interest and maintain the same.
(4) Could create the desire for the procuring of the product.
(5) Could compel for purchasing the product.
(6) Could impress the heart of the consumer.
(7) Could add to the work-suitability, characteristics and total image of the brand.
In the end, it might be said that a very well made packing, would immediately attract the attention, would create interest, would develop desire and would ultimately press the consumer either to investigate and make enquiries into the product, or for purchasing the same.
Packaging Decisions
In order to develop the packing for a new product, various decisions are required to be taken up in which matters, the experts of the marketing and publicity departments have to work. The following decisions are included within the packaging decisions:
(1) Packing Idea. Within the packing idea, is the decision taken as to what is the objective of packaging? In other words, whether the main function or purpose of packing is to grant protection to the product, or to indicate the special qualities of the company or the product, or is its function to recognize the product, or it has to perform some other function.
(2) Packing Design. After taking the decision on the packing idea, several other decisions are required to be taken, for instance, the design, size, etc. In the packing design are the decisions taken at to which of the raw materials (say, tin or paper) will be used in the packing, what shall be its shade or color, what shall be written in it, what type of the symbol shall be of the brand, etc. While determining the packing design, it must be borne into mind that no trouble could arise to the consumers and middlemen in carrying and shifting product from one place to the other.
(3) Size of the Package. While taking the continuous decisions, the size of package would depend upon the consumers. The most important criterion for them is the basis of the buyers' purchasing power. For instance, the tea packets are available in the packing of 25 gins. to 500 gins., since the purchasing power of different purchasing groups is also different.
(4) Cost of the Package. Within the cost determination, it has to be seen as to what shall be the total expenditure on the package. Its decision must be made on the basis of the security and the purchasing power of the consumer and also the security that could be extended to it.
(5) Package Testing. After the preparation of the sample package companies pass it through various tests before giving the final form to it. The engineering tests are undertaken so that strength of the packing could be depended upon. Likewise, the consumer tests too are undertaken, so that the consumer reaction could be known.
Classification of Packaging
The packaging might be classified in the under-mentioned manner:
(1) Way Packaging. For shifting a product from the producer to the consumer-centers, various means of transport are taken to use. For transporting them, such a type of packaging is resorted to so that by movement, or during the loading and unloading, the product might not be destroyed. This is what is known as the way packaging.
(2) Consumer Packaging. This is, in reality, that packaging in which the consumers actually get the products. For it, the small tin-containers, glass bottles, paper or cardboard containers are used.
(3) Product-Line Packaging. When the products manufactured by one producer are of one and the same kind, then the packaging of all the items is made on a uniform type basis so that the middlemen (agents, distributors, etc.) and the consumers could easily recognize the products. Such packing is known to be the line packaging.
(4) Multi-Unit Packaging. In the packaging of this kind, several items or products are packed together- Such packaging is more suitable and convenient for the packing of small products.
(5) Re-Use Packaging. In the packaging of .this kind, products are packed in such a manner so that after the use of the main (original) product, its packaging is put to use for other purposes. The tin and plastic containers are an important instance of the same type of packing. The containers of ghee, oil, etc., after becoming empty, are taken to the use of keeping miscellaneous things in them in the domestic items. This very device of packaging is known as the re-use packaging.
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